Hey Business owners!
Meet Jim.
Jim is a business owner who’s passionate about what he does. But when it comes to the financial side of things, he feels lost. Each month, his accountant hands him a stack of reports—the Income Statement, Balance Sheet, cash flow statements, you name it. Jim flips through the pages, trying to make sense of it all, but he feels overwhelmed. He knows there must be valuable information in those numbers, but he just can’t piece it together.
He keeps asking himself, “How much money did I actually make? Do I have enough in the bank to cover expenses? Should I be doing something different?” But none of the reports seem to answer these simple questions. Jim is frustrated, feeling like he’s driving his business blindfolded.
Does this sound familiar?
You see, these financial reports were designed for accountants, not business owners. They’re there to ensure every transaction is recorded accurately and that everything balances (hence, why it’s called a Balance Sheet).
But as a business owner, you likely just want to know a few essential things:
How much did I make?
Do I have enough money in the bank?
What should I keep doing?
What should I stop doing?
How much can I take out of the business?
That’s it.
There should be an easier way to get these answers regularly. And guess what? There is.
Because we designed it.
We call it The Scoreboard.
It’s a simple, easy-to-understand report that’s color-coded in green, yellow, and red. It tracks every part of your business, clearly showing what’s working and what needs improvement. With The Scoreboard, you’ll know where to focus your time and energy.
Think about it this way: if you’re at a basketball game, how do the players, coaches, and fans know how the game is going? They look at the scoreboard. No one’s in the back office handing out complex data reports every ten minutes because that wouldn’t be helpful.
When you don’t have time to sift through detailed data and just need a quick overview of your business’s performance, you need something simple.
The bottom line is: you need an easy way to know what’s going on in your business so you can manage it effectively.
If you’d like us to help you get crystal clear on the areas of your business that need improvement, let’s create a custom Scoreboard for you. Schedule a call, and let’s get started!